Monday, October 1, 2007


Welcome to the Blog of Higher Ed Blogs. This blog was created in preparation for the blog workshop I'll be running on October 17 at HigherEdWebDev 2007. It's intended to provide workshop attendees with a little background and some material that I'll build upon in the workshop.

In this introductory post, I'd like to find out what level of prior blogging experience each of the attendees has. Do you read any blogs regularly? Which one(s)? Have you ever posted a comment at a blog? Have you ever written a blog yourself? Does your institution maintain a blog, and if so for what purpose? If your institution doesn't have a blog yet, is it considering launching a blog --- and, if so, for what purpose?

Above all, please indicate: what questions do you have about blogging? What new knowledge are you hoping to take away from this workshop? As much as possible, I'd like to tailor the content to your needs and wants.

Please post your answers in the comments. Just in case you're a complete newbie at this, to post a comment you click the "comments" link at the bottom of this post. I've enabled anonymous commenting for this blog, so you can simply log in as "anonymous." In the days ahead, I'll be posting about various issues that might come up in the workshop, including the various purposes for which colleges and universities are already using blogs.


Anonymous said...

I have a number of blogs bookmarked - but rarely read them regularly.
+ A List Apart, the closest to a regular read;
+ Academica's Top Ten, to keep abreast of what the boss is reading;
Yes, I have posted a comment or two before this one.
Yes, I started a blog- but didn't have much to say. These days, 'posted items' and 'Notes' at Facebook handles anything that I'd have blogged about before.
My college has had a blog for recruitment, chronicling student and graduate experiences. We are considering hosting our own blogs - primarily for recruitment purposes.

Main question: how to encourage and foster a sustainable blogging community, with limited administrative resources.

L Boros said...

thanks for the feedback, anonymous --- LB

Anonymous said...

I read blogs from time to time, but not regularly. Usually blogs on

I have posted a few comments before this.

I have not started a blog yet, thought about while I was training for a half marathon this summer, but ran out of time.

We haven't started a blog yet, but that's on my "to do" list for this year. We want to use it for student recruitment and alumni relations.

I'm looking for ideas how to get started. We have limited resources, but the admin wants this done (sounds familiar, eh?).

I'm also interested in learning other ways to connect prospective students to our college. What's out there now? What's coming?

L Boros said...

thank your for the response anon #2 --- helpful.

question for you (and for anon #1 above, if'n you're still lurking): who are your students? primarily in-state or out-of-state? what's the demographic mix (socioeconomic, racial, etc.)? what department(s)/discipline(s) are your chief lures to prospective students?